Prayer and needs

We would like to ask you, to keep our King's Kids team in your prayers, so

- that we would be able to continue to share the love of our Father God to the children in the community, every time we spend time with them so that they will get to know Him more
- for continuel transformation in our personal lifes and through that into minstry to all on our path.
- for His provision to be able to buy snacks for the kids, vitamins, milk. materials for teaching and to go on fun outings, etc

Our dreams and vision is one day in the near future to have our own place where we can invite the children to come, so that we can use this place to offer a shelter for them. Please pray that God will continue to guide and lead us in this process

We have practical needs:

- New Thai and foreign staff
- Equipments for our ministry, for making crafts, balloons, organise camps, etc. etc.
- Music instruments: ukeleles and guitars
- Printer for in the office
- Hard drive to back up all our files
- payment of our monthly office rent (2000Bath)
- payment for transportation in ministry