
Dengue fever

A note from our Kings Kids Thailand leader......please read and pray!

Dear Family and friends
I am writing this notes to ask you to pray for us and especially for the kids in the slum.  Last few weeks a few of our staff has been sick and now some of them are still not doing well physically.
Beside ministry and minister to the children in the slum our team would take time during the week to go visit there parents and we had a great time connectting with them.   Last week during visiting the parents we received the bad news that some of the kids were sick,  two of them had pneumonia and the other three had dengue fever (The desease from mosquitoes).  A few days I have been going to the hospital to visit one of our 9 years old girl (Ae) ad dengue fever now she is back home also another name Boss as well.  Yesterday during the meeting I received a phone call from one of our YWAM staff said that a teenager girl that used to come to our program a while ago, has just pass away because of the dengue fever.  It was very shock for me to hear that. She was only 15 years old.  So please pray for her family and also for the kids in the slum community, especially for our staff as well as we are going to the slum for ministry 3-4 times a week.
This is rainy season so there are mosquitoes everywhere.  I am going to try to talk to the community leader to ask the goverment to come and spray the mosquitoes foggy spray !!.  This might prevent the dengue fever or malaria abit.  We are also thinking about buying mosquitoes nets and spray for the kids family but we dont have enough budget yet. (One musquito net would cost 200 Thai Bath). So if you would like to help out please let us know or any better idea how to help them.  Thank you so much for you prayers.
Love in Christ
Ek Sangchuto
King' Kids Thailand Leader


My best friend

Jesus, you're my superhero, you're my star, my best friend! Yeah...yeah...

This song was performed by the young children that were gathered at our YWAM national staff conference that happened from 31st of July till the 3d of August in Cha'am. The kids were singing and dancing for Jesus. All these children are part of families that are serving with YWAM Thailand.

King's Kids just got back from our conference where we met with about 400 Thai and foreign staff that is serving with YWAM in Thailand. The theme was: Come to the banquet table. Well, the food was really good. But also lots of worship, sharing, listening  and networking with other ministries in Thailand as well. And challenged to pray about what the story will be, that we will write on the next page of Ywam Thailand future.

King's Kids was part of the network Children at Risk and we are looking forward to see how we can learn from eachother and help eachother, while all reaching out to children in Thailand.