
King's Kids Outing March 2012

Thank you all for your support, so we can make a difference in the lifes of these kids.... We had an amazing time. Here the photos in a video format... :-) God bless you all!


The ark

During our weekly kidsclub at this moment, we are teaching the children from the start of the bible. We want them to understand that Jesus came as the promised Savior. But to understand that, you also have to learn where we come from. Genesis talks about our creation, than the Fall and all the way to Cain and Abel and Noah. Noah and the Ark we taught on last Saturday and than one of our staff prepared a game. How many stones can we fit in the bowl before it will sink? Points were to win. We had a great time. Pray for the kids to understand more and more about how great is our God!



Little ones grow up and become teens!!! 
King's Kids sees the potential in each and every child that we have met during our programs over the last years. We also see that some kids are growing up and they don't like our regular kids program anymore.
Last Saturday we had our first gathering with a group of 12 and 13 year olds, some were still 11. But hey, they are teens!!

We had a good time, but believe we also need creativity to make it and keep it attractive for them. Even just the hanging out part! Chances to learn and to grow, for them, and for ourselves!



Dear friends!!
You havent heard much from us for a while! Sorry!! After the floodings happened in Bangkok last year, many things changed in the way we were able to reach out to the children and the families. Also not everyone of the team has been around regularly. Since the new year started, we still have been going to the community weekly. To spend time with kids individually. Sometimes to teach guitar, ukelele, or violin. And to visit families.
To support needs or to encourage them. The regular activities like before we had to put on hold for a while. It also has been good to share life with the kids more in this way. To get to know them in different ways. And to be with them, where they are at in their lifes. Many things happened in some families of the kids, which we are really grateful for. (more later!!!) Also some sad things, which we are praying for. Please continue to follow us....and don't forget to keep us in your prayers! Thank you!
We also are in need of finances to keep doing, what God is calling us to do in reaching out to children, families and the community. Pray for us and don't hesitate to contact us or support us :-)

Christmas Celebration 2011

We had a great Christmas celebration with our Joy-kids club in december, before the holidays. They were also very happy with the gifts that they received!

Thanksgiving November 2011


Lice and hopefully NO floodings....

Sorry for letting you wait so long for another update. It is not that we have been sitting still, but there is not always time to write stories. Just taking some time now as well to ask you to pray for our children. At this moment it looks like Bangkok is going to flood, if the rain keeps coming, and that will also affect our children in the community. Please pray for protection and against more rain!!

Last week Ark International and King's Kids spend time in the community to de-lice some of our children. A team from Australia brought the needed things for that, and it was a great opportunity to do something like this as partnerring ministries. Most kids have lice and sometimes they comb them out, but it was quite a challenge to remove them. It is necesary to do this treatment, and actually it would be good to continue doing this......

Hereby, some photos of our times with them...as we also had a place to color and do their nails and show them they are valuable and loved.